📤Withdrawal Structure

Withdraw process at SolMix

The withdrawal process is designed to ensure that only authorized users can initiate and complete fund withdrawals effectively.

User Initiation:

  1. User Interaction: Users initiate the withdrawal process by accessing the SolMix Bot and selecting the withdrawal option.

  2. Private Note Verification:

    • Bot Prompt: The bot prompts users to enter the private note that was received during the deposit process. This private note serves as a unique identifier and authorization for the withdrawal request.

    • Validation: The bot validates the private note and its embedded details to ensure that it is valid, unredeemed, and associated with the user's account.

Address Confirmation:

  1. Withdrawal Address Entry:

    • User Input: Upon successful validation of the private note, users are asked to input the wallet address where they want to receive the withdrawn funds.

    • Confirmation: Users confirm the withdrawal details, including the withdrawal amount and the destination address, to proceed with the withdrawal request.

Stealth Funding Wallets:

  1. Transaction Execution:

    • Stealth Wallet Usage: SolMix utilizes multiple stealth funding wallets during the withdrawal process. These wallets are randomly selected for each transaction, ensuring the origin of the transaction remains hidden and enhancing user privacy.

    • Transaction Speed: Funds are transferred within 1-2 minutes of confirming the withdrawal details. This rapid transaction execution ensures a smooth and efficient withdrawal experience for users.

Privacy and Security Emphasis:

  1. Transaction Origin Concealment:

    • Enhanced Privacy: By utilizing multiple stealth funding wallets, SolMix conceals the transaction origin, making it challenging for external observers to trace the transaction back to the user's account.

    • Security Measures: The withdrawal process emphasizes security measures such as private note validation and address confirmation to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that funds are transferred securely to the intended recipient.

Last updated