💵Deposit Structure

Deposit process at SolMix

SolMix introduces a robust and user-friendly deposit structure designed to enhance privacy and security for users. The deposit process is carefully crafted to ensure transparency, accountability, and ease of use.

Stealth Wallet Creation:

When users initiate the deposit process on the SolMix Bot, a unique "stealth wallet" is dynamically generated for every deposit. This stealth wallet acts as a temporary holding account specifically dedicated to each deposit transaction, adding an extra layer of privacy and segregation of funds.

Initial Deposit Limits and Gradual Increase:

At the time of SolMix V1 launch, users will be subject to an initial deposit limit of 10 SOL per account. This conservative approach aims to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transition during the platform's initial stages. Over time, as the platform matures and user trust grows, these deposit limits will be gradually increased to accommodate larger transactions and user demands.

Deposit Process Steps:

  1. User Initiation: Users start the deposit process by specifying the desired amount they wish to deposit into their SolMix account via the Telegram Bot interface.

  2. Stealth Wallet Creation: Upon user confirmation, a unique stealth wallet is automatically generated for the deposit transaction. Users are provided with the stealth wallet address to which they should send their SOL tokens.

  3. Transaction Validation: After sending the funds to the designated stealth wallet address, users are prompted to provide the transaction hash (tx hash) of the deposit transaction. This step is crucial for validating the transaction and linking it to the correct user account.

  4. Private Note Generation: Upon successful validation of the deposit transaction, SolMix generates a private note (private key) for the user. This private note is a critical piece of information that users must securely store as it will be required for the withdrawal process later on.

  5. Fund Security Reminder: It's essential to emphasize to users the importance of securely storing the private note. Losing this private note may result in the inability to withdraw funds, highlighting the critical role it plays in maintaining fund security and accessibility.

Last updated